Bliss Learning Centre


The Blissymbolics Learning Centre in Bala, Muskoka was established, to provide a summer residential Blissymbolics instructional program. Program Director was Shirley McNaughton. This program provided annual 5-day residential, social, and learning experiences for 40 Bliss users and alumni, with a focus on Bliss instruction.

The founding patrons were Mark and Francine Murphy, in honour of their son, Andrew Murphy, Bliss alumnus, who passed away in 1994. The primary financial benefactor, for five years, was the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy. The Bliss Learning Centre was also supported by The Ontario Trillium Foundation, Shoppers Drug Mart, CIBC, The Ontario Real Estate Association, IBM, and by residents in Muskoka, through the Mayor’s Golf Classic, Concerts, and other community fund raising events.