Remembered by Carolyn
Once I went to Cornwall there was a fair with games and rides for Canada Day; then I found a funny hat for Canada day. There were some fireworks in front of my parent’s condo at night. Then one year, my sister and I went to Vancouver for Canada Day and went to the celebration at Canada Place. We saw some fireworks from our hotel room. This year, Canada Day will be more thoughtful as we remember all parts of our history. Our country has done good things, but we have also made some big mistakes. We need to try to fix them, so all our people feel like they are a Canadian.

Remembered by Samantha
Dad, fireworks, fun at the cottage and Grandma’s birthday are what I think of when I think of the long July weekend. Celebrating Grandma’s birthday, July 3rd, at the cottage usually means a trip to Dairy Queen. Dad and our friends from across the lake love to put on a fireworks show. It is a lot of fun and I am glad to be having them again this year!
July Birthday for Elaine!
July 6th marks a special birthday for Elaine D. This past year has been hard for her but she has risen to the challenges. She is living in a new home and keeping in touch with her friends. Now that she is settling in her new home we hope that she will be able to join us playing in the iBand this fall.
Happy Birthday Elaine! We hope you enjoy your surprise on your special day!
From all your Bliss i-Band friends!

Another birthday in the Bliss i-Band!
Gabriel’s birthday is July 18th and he has told us that he usually celebrates his birthday by having chinese food, and that he spends it with his parents and his sister and brother-in-law. He is hoping to do the same this year for his birthday, but this year is different because he now has a nephew named Max.
Samantha: Have fun with your new nephew!!

By Samantha Millar and Carolyn Henry
with assistance from Julie Millar and Glynis Henry