For those who did not know about or who were unable to attend the Youtube Premiere of “My Voice My Song”, here is the link.
We dedicated this song, written for the Bliss i-Band by Mark Weinstock, to Roslyn Irvine, Speech-Language Pathologist & Clinical Coordinator, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Clinic, West Park Healthcare Centre, Toronto.
Ros is retiring and returning to Australia after three decades in Canada. Many of the Bliss I-Band members have benefitted from the dedicated service Ros has provided to them at Westpark Clinic. We who have been her colleagues over the years have enjoyed working with Ros and we value highly her many contributions to the field of AAC.
The lyrics for “My Voice My Song” were written by Mark after hearing the lyrics of “Take the Time” written by Kari Harrington. They express well what Ros Irvine knew about the AAC users she served!
We wish Ros much health and happiness in retirement!
By Shirley McNaughton
Roslyn, I hope you enjoy your retirement. I hope I will see you in Sydney. A lot Fortune with you. Thanks for helping Gabriel.
Just watched “My Voice, My Song” again – I think I enjoyed it even more this time, having just read the posted lyrics.
Grateful to Mark for creating it; to Kari for inspiring it; and congratulations to Ros…may you find as much fulfilment in retirement as you did in your job.