It’s Carolyn’s Birthday !
Carolyn’s Birthday is May 28th. She has shared her birthday memory with us:
“One birthday I really remember was when I was quarantined in my room for ten days because I went to North York Hospital at the beginning of the SARS outbreak in 2003. I stayed in my room for ten days, it got boring sometimes. People used to wave at me in the window in my door. A birthday memory is when I turned 40 and 50. I had 2 parties when I turned 50, one with my family in Cornwall and one with my friends in Toronto. It was special for me because I saw friends and family that I hadn’t seen for a long time. We played games, visited and ate cake.” I guess you will probably be celebrating in your room again so you will have to zoom with your family and friends. I will be thinking of you on that day!
Let’s all wish Carolyn a very happy birthday and if you can, send her a birthday email wish!!
Me & My Mom
Mother’s Day
May is Mother’s Day month and we wish our mothers, and those who are like mothers to us, a very Happy Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is special to Samantha because she has both her mother and grandmother living with her! Carolyn is very lucky to have a sister, who is like a second mother to her. Let’s be creative when celebrating the day with all of our “mothers” this month!
Victoria Day
Victoria Day is a federal holiday which falls on the Monday before May 25th. It was established to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday and now to celebrate the current sovereign’s birthday. It is unofficially the beginning of the summer season. It is a long weekend, also called May Two Four weekend. May 24th weekend is Jayme’s birthday (Samantha’s younger sister)! As with many people it is the weekend we open our cottage. It is usually celebrated with summer activities such as having barbeques. We have to find a different way to celebrate the day again this year. We can be outside with our families but probably with no fireworks to watch.
Written by Samantha Millar and Carolyn Henry, with assistance from Julie Millar and Glynis Henry. Comments in red are by Samantha.